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Hokidachi Style
Hokidachi style recalls solitary trees grown vigorously and optimally.
It is used for bonsai made from a single pot plant, and can be considered a variant of the Chokkan style. It is also suitable for the less experienced people.
To create this style, the main branch should not be excessive and must have a crown arrangement around the trunk, about two-thirds of the plant's height.
The main branches support branches that are more subtle, which create a thick oval or rounded hair (consequently, in order to avoid aesthetic inaccuracies, the latter should all be of the same length).
The denomination is also called "inverted broom" just for the shape that the plant assumes.
In this style, the bonsai must have the straight trunk (just like in the Chokkan style) but must be placed in a slightly decentralized position with respect to the center of the vessel.
There are many essences that are suitable for this style, and are mainly hardwood, but nothing is forbidden to use it with evergreens. We can find it for example in the Olmos, Zelkova, Sughera, Myrtle, Pepper, Hawthorn, Cotoneaster, Oak, Pyracantha, Citrus...
Usually for this type of shape it is advisable to start from margins or cuttings because it is more difficult to find plants already ready with this aspect.
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