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According to you can a Pineapple plant stop snoring your partner, son or neighbor? Of course it can !! If you are tired of having disturbed nights, give yourself one! It is an excellent natural cure and, moreover, a beautiful ornamental plant!
How many times have you fallen into bed after a long day at work, and have you been awakened by that annoying noise? For many this situation is decidedly problematic and it is often difficult to solve it. Try to remedy it with nature, it's easier than you think!
It seems that studies carried out even by NASA have shown that the Pineapple plant, also known by the scientific name of Bromelia and with the English name of Pineapple, is a strong deterrent to this discomfort of sleep. For a reason, then, that simpler one can not: the Pineapple plant produces much more oxygen than others, and therefore improves the quality of the nocturnal environment. Oxygen performs an essential function, to which most of the time we don't pay attention: it opens the airways and guarantees the correct passage of air in the nose and throat!
If it is true, then, that 45% of the World population suffers from this disorder, know that a plant essence such as the Pineapple plant is able to change our sleep for the better - however, without the help of expensive medicines! - it is certainly an advantage for everyone. Especially since then, this tropical Bromeliad has many other beneficial properties: its roots are used against intestinal disorders, and other herbal preparations are useful as anti-inflammatory.
The Pineapple plant therefore proves to be a valid ally to fight our sleepless nights. Can you cry to the miracle? Maybe! And if the most hardened snorers will not stop with their nocturnal "noise", with a bromeliad in the safe house the positive effects will be there: it will still be magnificent as an ornamental plant, with a touch of carioca charm as it comes from the South American regions and from Brazil in particular: the Amazon River is teeming with Pineapple plants. It is easy to cultivate (the Maya and the Incas already knew it in ancient times) and also has a hidden meaning: in many countries it is interpreted as a symbol of welcome.
With the Pineapple plant you will do a favor to anyone who wants to get rid of an unpleasant condition like snoring. If these are also green thumbs, so much the better: they will certainly be able to take care of them in the most appropriate way! If instead you want to give to those who are intrigued by the green world but it is not yet practical, a Bromelia like this can also be an excellent fashion element, given the simplicity of culture. It is now also used in many design environments!
Little effort, many positive effects on health and so much scene: what to ask more to the Pineapple plant? Nothing, it's practically perfect!
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