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The Lovers' day for excellence is coming. What surprises on Valentine's Day are the most suitable for the person we love? Surely something that amazes, an original, extravagant thought.
When we think of the Day of Lovers, in fact, we think above all about what to give our partner in this day: Valentine's ideas are never too many, and often fall on plants or flowers. Definitely the best choice! Give or send flowers such as roses, orchids, but also succulents, particular varieties of bonsai or rare plants: they are all surely appreciated if our partner loves the green world. Valentine's Day, love and plants are three words that always manage to go hand in hand.
But have we ever wondered, before buying the gift for him or her, what is really the feeling we feel towards the other person?
"To love does not mean only to dedicate oneself entirely, with a complete generosity, nor to consecrate body and soul without conditions to activities in favor of the neighbor, but, first of all, to work of intelligence, asking us with love and a deep feeling of respect for men our brothers, what is the best good that we can offer them, not only, certainly in the temporal perspective but in that of spiritual destiny."
René Voillaume
On the concept of love each of us has a different point of view because there are different experiences that we make in this regard. However, a concept on which we all certainly agree, is the will that arises in us to contribute to the happiness and well-being of others. But what many people do not consider in the right measure, is that in order to better carry out a relationship of love or any relationship, the basic fundamental aspect is above all to love oneself. Feeling good with one's mind and one's spirit is an indispensable condition: the more personal happiness is high, the more the relationships are affected positively.
The beautiful part of being passionate about plants and their cultivation is that in some way we have the opportunity to experience what it means to take care of themselves and the other at the same time. Having the passion of the green thumb and exploiting this ability to try the practical attention to a plant allows us to do something that we like and at the same time stimulates the health and well-being of another living being.
Whenever we decide to dedicate our time to the wonderful plants that invade the rooms of the houses in which we live, on the one hand we are first of all gathering positive energies thanks to which we free our mind from stress and negative thoughts. We can also experiment, through a series of actions that consist of universal therapy suitable for anyone. Through contact with nature, we have the opportunity to revive our vital state by renewing self-esteem and self-confidence. On the other hand, the approach of responsibility that drives us to take care of the plants, the creativity we implement in integrating them with the furniture, the dedication to meet their daily needs, the deep knowledge that is strengthened, not only there they give satisfaction and pride, but they show us how important it is to take care of what we love in order not to lose it. In this way, our actions are constantly transformed into concrete results: our plants grow and remain in their beauty, strong and harmonious.
It is, therefore, a two-way relationship that develops between the person and the plant, the person and nature, a relationship that explains how it should be that between the person and another person to be the best and the most solid possible. On the other hand it is also true that there is no individual without the environment and not only is part of it, but has an indispensable link with it.
As in Il Barone rampante where Italo Calvino tells of Cosimo's decided choice to live in close contact with nature, moving only on the trees. A decision that changes him profoundly and that allows him to clearly see his feeling for Viola: it is a sincere and rational love, where Cosimo gives value primarily to himself and his personality to love Viola with all his strength.
Each of us is reflected in everything that surrounds it and vice versa, for this reason we must start from working on individual happiness to succeed later to see the effects on the relational and external aspects of one's life. In this perspective of comparison, the love for a plant is synonymous with the basic conditions and all that concerns the construction of a lasting love between people and that is the fruit of a choice made every day on both sides.
Referring to these considerations, it is also clear the symbolic meaning of giving or sending flowers to Valentine's Day ̶ whether they are a classic rose or a surprising orchid ̶ or the intrinsic demonstration of affection supported by a continuous commitment in and for life of the other person with the aim of maintaining an ever stronger bond destined never to collapse.
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